09 Nov Video-based road safety solutions using machine vision & AI
Lytx, the world leader in video telematics systems, has recently updated its award winning Driver Safety Program, commonly known as DriveCam, with a world first Machine Vision and Artificial Intelligence algorithm.
This pioneering MV+AI technology is designed to detect high risk driving behaviours which has seen an incredible quadrupling in the detection high risk driving behaviours such as inattention and distraction. Some of these behaviours were virtually undetectable by current safety technology, however DriveCam now enables fleets to manage these hidden risk factors and take preventative measures before they turn into a serious incident. The updated Heinrich’s safety pyramid demonstrates the relationships between risky events and severe outcomes.
Lytx has been developing DriveCam for more than 20 years and now proactively protect more than 1 million drivers every single day including some of the largest fleets in the waste industry worldwide. Lytx focussed all their attention on using video technology to improve safety which is what has made DriveCam the market leader and were recognised by Frost & Sullivan as the “2019 Video Safety Solutions company of the year”. Lytx enjoys more than 60% global market share, due in part to its fantastic product and to their outstanding customer support and service.
There are several features which make DriveCam unique and next level over any other driver safety system:
Root Cause Analysis
DriveCam quickly identifies the root cause of risks associated with the driving task. This is the “WHY” of an incident or near miss occurred. If you do not definitively know why an incident occurred, then it is impossible to take steps to prevent the incident occurring again.
Risk Management
DriveCam has well defined risk scoring so you can track your safety progress as a business. This means you can track your results and benchmark against branches, teams or the industry as a whole. It also allows you to pinpoint the problem to focus your efforts.
Coaching Workflow
The most important feature of DriveCam is the very thing which makes it unique and so successful and that is that once risks and root causes are identified and verified, DriveCam then provides a platform to manage and mitigate those risks out of your business.
DriveCam does this by what Lytx call a “coaching” session with the driver who exhibits risks whilst driving. This coaching session is 3 – 5 minutes and is specifically tailored to educate and support the driver to change any bad driving habits.
Collision Reduction
It delivers between 50% and 90% reduction in at fault collisions. Because of the coaching approach developed by Lytx for over 22 years, drivers with bad, often sub-conscious habits such as persistent tailgating, unsafe lane changes, or texting whilst driving, are trained and coached to eliminate these habits from their driving style. This proactive and supportive approach to driving behaviours often achieves an 80% reduction in at fault collisions for the customer.
Cost Neutral
Primarily due to the unique coaching approach of the DriveCam Safety Program which achieves point 3 above, whatever the business spent prior to DriveCam on vehicle repairs, vehicle and staff downtime, lost productivity and revenue, insurance claims on damaged freight etc, will more than cover the investment needed for DriveCam.
The Lytx DriveCam Safety Program is available in Australia exclusively through DriveRisk. DriveRisk, like Lytx have tremendous experience in the transport safety with some large waste industry players on their books. DriveRisk have been in business for 20 years providing driver safety solutions across a range of industries. They support their customers with:
- Monthly risk reduction performance reviews
- Driver Toolbox meetings
- Dedicated Client Success Manager for each customer
- Free safety policy and procedure reviews
- Change Management workshops to help fleets focus on safety
- Design of targeted safety campaigns and measuring the effectiveness of the safety campaign
- Advocacy with insurance providers to achieve better value insurance premiums (because DriveCam customers often achieve an 80% reduction in claims)
DriveRisk will be presenting a Solution Showcase at the upcoming AWRE Online Event on Thursdays 25th November at 10am and available in a virtual booth at the online exhibition during the conference. Connect with DriveRisk and register free online today.
First published AWRE